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Can I just order steaks?Everybody loves a perfectly seared steak! However, to remain sustainable as a business as well as in our farming practices, we can only sell steaks in the proportions God & nature put them on the bovine frame. About 15% of each animal's yield is steaks, so we designed our beef bundles with similar proportions in mind. If you don't see what you're looking for, shoot us an email at and we'll help you assemble a custom box that contains up to 20% its weight from your favorite steaks and we'll fill in the rest with your favorite "everyday fare" like quick-cooking fajita strips, universally useful ground beef, your favorite crock-pot roast, sausages and more!
Where can I pick up Eden Pure Beef locally?Eden Pure Beef can be found at the Marietta Square Farmer's Market from 9;00am until NOON every Saturday, year round! Google 41 Mill Street, Marietta GA for driving directions. Folks in Madison Georgia can stop by Community Roots Market at 292 Hancock St. They have everything you need for locally and sustainably grown farm and artisan goods! From March to November, you can also find us at the *Brookhaven Farmer's Market at 1375 Fernwood Circle, Brookhaven GA *Marigold Market in Winterville, GA (order or pick up at the market manager's booth) You can also schedule a meetup with Val for pickup in the Athens area. Just email
Do you ship your beef?Yes, we do! Visit our "shop" page at Packages are shipped every Monday via UPS Next Day Saver Shipping cost is determined by the "live" rate from UPS at time of order Shipping within Georgia is around $30 and Shipping to California is around $100 as of October 2023
Do you sell milk or other dairy products?We appreciate your interest in dairy products but at Eden Pure Beef we are focused on regeneratively and sustainably farming 100% lifetime grass-fed beef without the use of grain-finishing, chemicals, or pharmaceuticals. We do not have any dairy operations.
Why "No Grain"?"A cow's digestive system is not designed to handle grains. Whilie they may consume an incidental amount of seeds and grains from mature grasses, they do not consume anywhere near the quantities needed to "finish" them or get them "fattened up" to market weight. Cattle finished on Cattle finisihed on grain have a much higher Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio than grass-fed. Samples of grass-fed beef showed a range of 2:1 to 4:1 in Omega-6 to Omega 3 while conventional beef has been shown to have much higher O6:O3: ratios, often as high as 15:1. This ratio is significant as high Omega 6: Omega3 ratios are linked to inflammation and many chronic diseases. Even cattle who are fed small amounts of grain to finish them to market weight more quickly and produce a little more fat marbling in their meat will have significantly higher Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acid ratios. Additionally, the digestive systems of grain fed cattle become more acidic, resulting in the "need" for interventions to help them stay "healthy" (or rather, free from acute illness).. You can read more about the effects of grain feeding on cattle at the links below

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